Ancestral Line
from COWAN Connections
© 1994, pp. 374-380
by Michael S. Cole, M.D.
John BORDEN, the seventh of ten children in a wealthy family, was born in Bedford Co.,
Virginia, (or NJ?) about 1718/19. He married Ann HAWKINS(?) probably about 1736 in Virginia.
About 1770 they moved from Frederick County, Virginia, to Bedford County, Virginia. A few years
later they moved to Knox County, Tennessee. He died there on Stock Creek in 1798. Ann died later
in Bledsoe County, Tennessee. Their children (not in the proper order) were: Joseph BORDEN
(c.1738-before 1841), William BORDEN (d. before 1841), John BORDEN (d. many years before
1841), Benjamin BORDEN (d. before 1841), Massie (Mercy?) (BORDEN) WHEELER (d. 1817),
Nancy (Anna) (BORDEN) McWILLIAMS (d. after 1841), Rebecca (BORDEN) OVERSTREET (d.
before 1841), Margaret (Peggy) (BORDEN) KEITH (1755/60-1830's), and Sarah (Sally)
(BORDEN) McCOY (d. before 1841).
Benjamin BORDEN, II, the second of ten children, was born 6 April 1675 at Middletown,
Monmouth County, New Jersey. He married about 1710 to Zeruiah WINTER, his first cousin.
She was born in Monmouth Co., New Jersey, about 1690. They lived at Freehold in Monmouth
County, New Jersey, before moving to Virginia. He was evidently honest, intelligent, ambitious,
and enterprising. His first recorded appearance in Virginia is on 21 January 1734 when he was
appointed one of the justices of the newly formed Orange County. His name appears frequently in
land transactions in various parts of the Shenandoah Valley. His most important enterprise was the
settlement of "Borden's Great Tract," a grant to him from King George II of England of 92,100 acres
in what later became Rockbridge County, Virginia. The legend has been told that he killed a young
buffalo, presented it at Williamsburg to Governor GOOCH, who was so delighted that 500,000 acres
were granted to him. Another version of the legend claims that Benjamin captured a buffalo calf,
sent it to England as a present for the Queen, who out of appreciation granted him 100,000 acres in
the Virginia Valley. Benjamin's legal requirement as proprietor of this tract was to put up a bond
of 1800 pounds and settle within a stated time a minimum number of families on the tract. He was
to receive a thousand acres of land for each cabin built on the tract. When he first set out to inspect
the area, he became lost. He stumbled upon the camp of a backwoods family, the son John
McDOWELL being a surveyor. Benjamin promised him 1000 acres if he could help him find all
his land. The land was thoroughly surveyed before December 1738. Some sources claim that
Benjamin travelled to England once or twice and brought back settlers, though no evidence has been
found for this. Benjamin received his patent on 8 November 1739 after 92 cabins had been
constructed in the area. As one might expect, there came to be many lawsuits involving this large
land grant. He died in 1743 near Winchester, Virginia, shortly after his appointment as one of the
original justices of Frederick County, Virginia. From Benjamin's will it is estimated he owned
120,000 acres of land, including several tracts on the lower forks of the James River. Most of the
land was ordered sold by the will and the proceeds divided among the children. It took until 1897
(154 years) before all "known" descendants were satisfied with the division and further court battles
ended. (The COWAN descendants, all among the unknown heirs to the estate, never learned of the
case so lost their share in 1907. The documents related to this case were filed in Drawer #1 in the Circuit Clerk's office of Augusta County,
Virginia, in 1841 and 1897. The file was identified as "Jacob PECK's Adm'r vs. Jno. BORDEN's heirs and Jno.
BORDEN's heirs vs. Jos. BORDEN's heirs.") Zeruiah remarried about 1747 to Joseph WRIGHT. They were
living in Hamilton Parish, Prince William Co., Virginia, in 1748. She died from smallpox about
1751/53. Benjamin and Zeruiah left ten children: Hannah (BORDEN) ROGERS (c.1711-prob.
before 1760), Abigail (BORDEN) WORTHINGTON PRITCHARD (b. c.1713), Rebecca
Benjamin BORDEN (1715-1753), Deborah (BORDEN) HENDRY (d. 1799), John BORDEN, Sr.
(c.1718/19-1798), Lydia (BORDEN) PECK (1728-1800), Elizabeth (Eliza) (BORDEN) NICHOLAS (d. c.1752), and Joseph BORDEN (c.1734-1803).
Benjamin BORDEN, the eleventh of 12 children, was born at Portsmouth, Rhode Island,
on 16 May 1649. After 1665 he settled on some of his father's land at Shrewsbury, Monmouth
County, New Jersey. On 22 September 1670 he married Abigail GROVER at Shrewsbury, New
Jersey. Abigail was born in 1653 at Gravesend, Long Island, New Netherland (now New York), the
fifth of seven children. They lived many years at Middletown, New Jersey, then moved to Evesham,
Burlington County, New Jersey, in 1713. Like his father, he became a large landowner and was
elected to several public offices. The first court of Monmouth County, New Jersey, was held in his
house in Shrewsbury in 1676. He was a justice of the peace in 1685. In 1692 and 1694 he was
elected to the General Assembly from Middletown. In 1695 and 1698 he was elected as one of the
six members to the General Assembly from Monmouth County. He was a member of the House of
Representatives for Monmouth County from 1708 to 1709. He served as road commissioner from
1693 to 1711. Abigail died on 8 January 1720 in Burlington County, New Jersey. Benjamin then
married Susannah PAGE(?) in the 1720's in New Jersey. He died in Burlington Co., New Jersey,
about 1728, leaving a large estate. Abigail was the mother of all his children: Richard BORDEN
(1672-1751), Benjamin BORDEN, II, (1675-1743), James BORDEN (1677-1727), Rebecca
BORDEN (b. 1680), Safety BORDEN (1682-c.1761), Amy (BORDEN) FOSTER (1684-1770),
Joseph BORDEN (1687-1765), Jonathan BORDEN (1690-after 1766), David BORDEN (b. 1692),
and Samuel BORDEN (1696-1771). Son Joseph (b. 1687) was an innkeeper and the founder of
Bordentown, New Jersey. Joseph's son, Joseph (1719-1791), was the father of Mary and Ann
BORDEN, who respectively married Thomas McKEAN and Francis HOPKINSON, signers of the
Declaration of Independence.
Richard BORDEN, the first of our BORDEN line to come to America, was born in
Headcorn, County Kent, England, about 40 miles southeast of London and about 20 miles southwest
of Canterbury. The fourth of 10 children, he was christened on 22 February 1595/6. (Great Britain was using the Julian calendar until 1752 while the rest of the world had been using the presently
accepted Gregorian calendar since 1582. By our calendar Richard was christened on 4 March 1596.) At Headcorn
he married Joane FOWLE on 28 September 1625. The old stone church where they were married
is still standing. (Click here for more about the church.) Joane was born 15 Feb 1604 at Headcorn in County Kent, England, the second of
four children. Richard inherited land in Headcorn from his father, but he and Joane moved in 1628
to Cranbrook in County Kent where she had relatives. His youngest brother, John BORDEN,
emigrated to New England on the Elizabeth & Ann in May 1635. In the mid-1630's Richard and
Joane sailed to America with five children and settled at Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Richard was
the nineteenth signer of the compact creating the government of Aquidneck (later Rhode Island).
He was elected a member of a committee to treat with the Dutch in 1653. He was elected Assistant
at Portsmouth in 1653 and 1654, Treasurer of the United Colonies in 1654 and 1655, Commissioner
in 1654, 1656, and 1657, and Deputy from Portsmouth to the Rhode Island General Assembly in
1667 and 1670. As a surveyor he acquired large tracts of land in Rhode Island and Monmouth
County, East Jersey (now New Jersey). He died on 25 May 1671 at Portsmouth, Rhode Island. He
was buried in Portsmouth at the burial ground of the Society of Friends (i.e., Quaker). Joane died
on 15 July 1688 at Portsmouth. Their children were: Richard BORDEN (b. 1626), Thomas
BORDEN (1627-1676), Francis BORDEN (1628-1705/6), Mary (BORDEN) COOKE
(1632/3-1690), Elizabeth BORDEN (b. 1634), Matthew BORDEN (1638-1708), John BORDEN
(1640-1716), Joseph BORDEN (1643-prob. by 1702), Sarah (BORDEN) HOLMES (1644-after
1705), Samuel BORDEN (1645-1716), Benjamin BORDEN (1649-c.1728), Amey (BORDEN)
RICHARDSON (1653/4-1683/4). Son Matthew (born at Portsmouth on 16 May 1638) was "the first
English child born on Rhode Island," according to Quaker records. Son John's (b. 1640) great-great-great-grandson, Gail BORDEN, III,
was the inventor of condensed milk in the early 1850's and
founder of the Borden Milk Company. He was also the original surveyor of Galveston, Texas. The
west Texas town of Gail in Borden County were both named for him. (Gail BORDEN, III, (1801-1874) was the son of Gail BORDEN II (1777-1863), son of Gail BORDEN I (1745-1777), son of John BORDEN (1710-1761), son of John BORDEN (1675-c.1719), son of John BORDEN (1640-1716),
son of Richard BORDEN (1595/6-1671), the immigrant.) John's (b. 1640) great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter, through a different line, was the famous Lizzie BORDEN, who
was charged with killing her father and step-mother with an ax in 1892 in Fall River, Massachusetts.
(Lizzie Andrew BORDEN (1860-1927) was the daughter of Andrew J. BORDEN (1822-1892), son of Abraham
B. BORDEN (b. 1798), son of Richard BORDEN (d. after 1816), son of Richard BORDEN (1722-1795), son of Thomas
BORDEN (1697-1740), son of Richard BORDEN (1671-c.1732), son of John BORDEN (1640-1716), son of Richard
BORDEN (1595/6-1671), the immigrant.)
She was immortalized with this verse:
"Lizzie Borden took an ax
And gave her mother 40 whacks.
And when she saw what she had done,
She gave her father 41."
Matthew BORDEN, yeoman (i.e., a farmer belonging to a class of English freeholders below the gentry), of Headcorn, County Kent, England, was christened at
Frittenden, County Kent, on 30 September, about 1563. He first married Eleanor TAYLOR on 21
February 1584 at Biddenden, County Kent. She apparently died after the birth of their first child.
Matthew then married Joan ----- before 1593. Many believe Joan's maiden name was REEDER.
Matthew was churchwarden at Headcorn in 1598. He owned land in Headcorn, Smarden, and
Bletchenden, all in County Kent. He was buried at Headcorn on 4 October 1620. Joan was still
living at his death. His children were: Thomas BORDEN (1588-1611), Joan BORDEN
(1593-1593), John BORDEN (b. 1594), Richard BORDEN (1595/6-1671), Mary (BORDEN) ROE
(b. c.1598), William BORDEN (b. 1600), Amy (or Anne) BORDEN (b. 1603), Edward BORDEN
(b. 1605), John BORDEN (b. 1606/7), and Joanna (BORDEN) BALDWICKE GAY (c.1612-1691).
Thomas BORDEN, yeoman, of Headcorn, was born about 1533. His first wife, whose name
is unknown, was the mother of his children. She was buried at Headcorn churchyard on 20 May
1581. On 2 May 1584 at Headcorn he married Margaret READER, a widow. She was buried at
Headcorn on 25 Sep 1589. He was buried at the parish church of Headcorn on 21 April 1592. His
children were: Thomas BORDEN (c.1560-1580), Matthew BORDEN (c.1563-1620), Joan
BORDEN (c.1565-1571), and Agnes (BORDEN) GORHAM (b. c.1567).
William BORDEN was born about 1510, probably at Headcorn, England. He married Joan
----- about 1531. She died after 1560. He paid taxes to England's King Henry VIII. William died
at Headcorn prior to 8 June 1557. Their children were: Thomas BORDEN (c.1533-1592), Edward
BORDEN (c.1535-1560), John BORDEN (c.1539-1581), Stephen BORDEN (c.1541-after 1587),
Elizabeth BORDEN (c.1543-prob. 1593), Thamasine BORDEN (b. c.1545), Ann (or Agnes)
(BORDEN) MARDEN(?) (b. c.1547), and Edmund BORDEN (b. c.1548).
Edmund BORDEN was born about 1480, probably at Headcorn. He married Margaret -----
about 1503. He died in 1539 between 13 April and 18 June. He was buried in the Headcorn
churchyard. His wife was pregnant at the time of his death according to his will. Their children
were: Edward BORDEN (b. c.1505), John BORDEN (b. c.1508), William BORDEN
(c.1510-c.1557), Joan (BORDEN) CHAMP (b. c.1515), Maryon (BORDEN) LITTLE (b. c.1520),
Margaret BORDEN (b. c.1522), Alice BORDEN (b. c.1525), and Juliann BORDEN (b. c.1527).
William BORDEN, of Headcorn, can also be found on the list of those paying taxes to King
Henry VIII. He was born after 1450. He died at Headcorn between 10 February 1530/1 and 25
September 1531. In his will he requested to be buried within the Church of Our Lady between his
wives Joan and Thamasine. His will mentioned his living wife Rose. Not all researchers agree, but
he appears to have been the father of Edmund BORDEN, who many think was the son of
Thamasine -----. William's other children were: Edward BORDEN, Thomas BORDEN, Elizabeth
BORDEN, Anne BORDEN, and Katharine BORDEN.
John BORDEN, of Headcorn, County Kent, England, wrote a will 26 April 1469. No date of
probate exists. He requested to be buried in the churchyard of St. Peter and St. Paul. The will
names his deceased parents and grandparents for whom he asked that "an honest priest" be paid to
sing in Headcorn church for their souls for two years. His wife was Benedicta, who was possibly
the daughter of Thomas and Margery TURNOR. John and Benedicta's children were: Roger
BORDEN, William BORDEN (1450's-1531), Joan BORDEN, Roberge BORDEN, Alice BORDEN,
Isabella BORDEN, and John BORDEN.
Thomas BORDEN, yeoman, was of the Parish of Headcorn, County Kent, England. He
married Isabel, who was possibly the daughter of Thomas SANDER. In 1450 Thomas BORDEN
joined in an uprising known as Jack CADE's Rebellion in which practically every man in Kent
participated. The whole rebellion lasted little more than two months and included a battle against
King Henry VI's troops on London Bridge. Their demands for certain reforms in government were
given serious consideration, but not fully implemented for many years. Thomas and Isabel
BORDEN died before 1469. Their children were: John BORDEN (d. c.1469), Henry BORDEN,
and Richard BORDEN.
Henry BORDEN, born in the 1370's, was the first BORDEN to live at Headcorn, county
Kent, southeast England. He was undoubtedly a descendant of the BORDENs of Borden, a village
that was about 12 miles from Headcorn. Most researchers believe the BORDENs came to England
from Normandy with William the Conqueror in 1066, though there seems to be no evidence to support this. Even if Edmund BORDEN (b. c.1480) was
not the son of William BORDEN (d. c.1530) as mentioned previously, Henry BORDEN was still
our ancestor. Henry married Roberga -----. Their children were: Thomas BORDEN and Robert
Richard DeBOURDON was born about 1201 and named after King Richard, the Lion
Hearted, who reigned over England from 1189 to 1199. The wife and children of Richard
DeBOURDON are unknown, but we know he was an ancestor of Henry BORDEN (b. 1370's).
Robergia DeBOURDON was born 13 March 1182. She died about 1220. She married her
cousin Francis DeBOURDON from Bayeux, Normandy (France), on Christmas 1200. Francis and
Robergia were buried in the churchyard of St. Peter and St. Paul in the village of Borden, county
Kent, England. They had two sons: Richard DeBOURDON (b. c.1201) and Simon DeBOURDON,
called "weak and sickly."
Francis, Robergia, and their two sons are pictured in the church of St. Peter and St. Paul
kneeling at mass with the inscription of the BORDEN Moral Code:
Be Just - for the Lord only loaned us that which we have whether of goods or of talents, and
in their use we must consider the rights of all men.
Be Merciful - for we shall have no greater claim to the mercy we all shall finally need than
that we forgive our brother's faults.
Be True - to friendship and to God, for truth is all of this life worth the having, and perfect
truth is what the life to come shall reveal to us. It is the prince of darkness that is the Prince
of Lies.
On the opposite wall can be found the BORDEN Coat of Arms. For centuries a tradition in the
BORDEN family claimed there were important records contained within the wall of the church.
While on their honeymoon in 1869, Richard Y. and Lavinia (BORDEN) COOK visited the
village of Borden. (Lavinia (BORDEN) COOK, born 10 March 1845, was the daughter of John H. (b. 1819), son of Josiah (b. 1769), son of Francis IV (b.
1740), son of Francis III (b. 1709), son of Francis II (b. 1680), son of Francis (b. 1628), son of Richard BORDEN (1595/6-1671), the immigrant.) In a secret nightly mission they removed the stone in the church bearing the
BORDEN Coat of Arms. They found that this stone was hollow and contained a cylindrical leaden
box which also bore the BORDEN Coat of Arms. Inside the box was a cylinder of yellow cloth of
well oiled linen and waxed on the inside. This contained a parchment manuscript prepared in 1220
A.D. by Robergia DeBOURDON. She wrote that her son Richard "will be strong, a man of iron,
wise and peaceful. From him the BORDEN line will succeed. It is now 154 years since Count
William of Normandy defeated and killed the Great Harold, King of England, at Hastings. There
fell also Ethelwolf my Saxon mother's grandfather and Lord of all the lands which William the
Conqueror gave to his vassal, Francis DeBOURDON. My mother was Elfrida of Kent; my father
was Simon DeBOURDON." More details are contained in the book Robergia: A Story of Old England, by Richard Y. COOK, written in the summer of 1901. (Apparently, only 50 copies were printed. The County Kent Archives at Maidstone has a copy of this book. The U.S. Library of Congress reports that they have a copy and know of only 2 libraries with a copy: University of California in San Diego and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.)
Simon DeBOURDON of Bourdon, England, married Elfreada on Christmas 1180. Simon
was the grandson of Francis DeBOURDON of Bayeux, Normandy (France), who fought under
William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. Elfreada died in 1193. Simon died about
1195. Both were buried in a vault in the family chapel within their castle walls. Simon and
Elfreada's daughter was Robergia DeBOURDON.
The name of the father of Elfreada of Kent, England, is not known. Her mother was
Helenore. Elfreada's paternal grandfather was Ethelwolf. He was born about 1030 and died in
1066 on the battlefield at Hastings defending his Anglo-Saxon homeland.
This BORDEN Coat of Arms appears on page 12 in the book Historical and Genealogical Record of the Descendants as far as Known of Richard and Joan BORDEN who Settled in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, May 1638, with Historical and Biographical Sketches of Some of Their Descendants, compiled by Hattie (BORDEN) WELD in 1899.
Mrs. WELD's book reported there were twelve Coats of Arms under the names of BOURDON, BURDEN, and BORDEN at the Heraldic Office in London. She did not explain her choice of this one. Click here for a larger view {57KB, 429 x 791 pixels}. Click here for the full text of this important book of BORDEN genealogy.
BORDEN Ancestry of Sir Robert L. BORDEN,
8th prime minister of Canada (1911-1920)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
| Richard BORDEN (1595/6-1671)
| John BORDEN (1640-1716)
| |
| | Joane FOWLE (1604-1688)
| Richard BORDEN (1671-c.1732)
| |
| | Mary EARLE (c.1655-1734)
| Samuel BORDEN (1705-1778)
| |
| | Innocent CORNELL (or WARDELE?)
| Perry BORDEN (b. 1739)
| |
| | Peace MUMFORD
| Perry BORDEN (1773-1862)
| |
| | Mary ELLIS (or ELLS?) (1745-1831)
| Andrew BORDEN (b. 1816)
| |
| | Lavina FULLER
Sir Robert Laird BORDEN (1854, Nova Scotia, Canada - 1937, Ottawa, Canada)
| Eunice LAIRD
BORDEN Ancestry of Sir Winston CHURCHILL,
prime minister of England (1940-45, 51-55)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
| Lord Randolph Henry Spencer CHURCHILL (1849, England - 1895, London)
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer CHURCHILL (1874, England - 1965, London)
| | Leonard Walter JEROME (1817, NY - 1891, England)
| |
| Jeanette (Jennie) JEROME (1854, Brooklyn, NY - 1921)
| | Ambrose HALL (1774-1827)
| |
| Clarissa (Clara) HALL (1825, NY - 1895, England)
| | Daniel WILLCOX (c.1662-c.1698)
| |
| | Daniel WILLCOX (c.1685-before 1730)
| | |
| | | | John COOKE (1630-1691)
| | | |
| | | Hannah COOK (c.1660-1736)
| | |
| | | | Richard BORDEN
| | | | (1595/6-1671)
| | | |
| | | Mary BORDEN (1632/3-1690)
| | |
| | | Joane FOWLE
| | (1604-1688)
| |
| | William WILLCOX (1711-c.1742)
| | |
| | | Sarah -----
| |
| | William WILLCOX (1739-after 1782)
| | |
| | | Dorothy ALLEN (c.1713-1782)
| |
| | David WILLCOX (1763-1828)
| | |
| | | Sarah SMITH (b. 1741)
| |
| Clarissa WILLCOX (1796-1827)
| Anna BAKER (1761-1813)
BORDEN Ancestry of Marilyn MONROE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
| Christopher GIFFORD Jr (b. 1698)
| Christopher GIFFORD III (1737-1820)
| |
| | | Richard BORDEN (1595/96-1671)
| | |
| | | John BORDEN I (1640-1716)
| | | |
| | | | Joane FOWLE (1604-1688)
| | |
| | | Richard BORDEN (1671-1732)
| | | |
| | | | Mary EARLE (c.1655-1734)
| | |
| | Mary BORDEN (b. 1700)
| |
| | Innocent CORNELL (1673-c.1720)
| Abner GIFFORD (1780-1832)
| |
| | Deborah HOWLAND (1740-1823)
| John Allen GIFFORD (1802-1872)
| |
| | Thankful DUNHAM (1770-1837)
| Charles Adams GIFFORD (1839-1874)
| |
| | Lydia F. TOMPKINS (1799-1872)
| Frederick Almy GIFFORD (1867-1957)
| |
| | Susan Bateman ALMY (1841-1908)
| Charles Stanley GIFFORD (1898-1965)
| |
| | Elizabeth Easton TENNANT (1866-1904)
Marilyn MONROE [born Norma Jean BAKER] (1926-1962)
| Gladys Pearl MONROE (1900-1984)
BORDEN Surname Distribution