Wed. Morning
Dear Mom & Dad, We are having beautiful weather here now. It is nice and sunny. Not too hot, not too cold. We are at Carney Park today for a picnic. It is spring break. Michael is at work. The kids are going crazy on the playground equipment.
A guy from the States is coming next week to hold a gospel meeting or class for the church all next week. We are meeting at our house so the kids will have someplace to play while we are in church. How do I get into these things? Can you get me the elastic sandals like you have been sending me each summer? I just bought Steven some size 10 1/2 tennis shoes. Angelique probably wears a size 11. I need to get them to the market to find them some new shoes. Steven gets attached to his shoes and never wants to get new ones. They look like rats' nests before I can convince him he has to have new shoes. We ordered a red Chrysler LeBaron to be waiting for us in Little Rock when we return. They guaranteed us we would be saving $1000 to $2000. It was much cheaper to have it delivered to Little Rock instead of Memphis. Tennessee has a 7% sales tax on cars as opposed to Arkansas' 5%. It will be nice to have transportation waiting on us when we get back. If Michael has to stay till late August, the kids and I may come back earlier. We hope to be back by the end of July. We still don't have a definite date yet. It all depends on when Michael's replacement gets here. They don't care to make it any easier on us by finding out this early when we can go. How are the Woollys doing now that they are 4? I enjoyed talking to everyone a few Sundays ago. It was such a surprise, I didn't have anything prepared to say. I thought of lots of things after we hung up. Have you gotten the last box we sent you? I should think it would be there by now. I planted some basil in a pot a few weeks ago. I have a beautiful stand of little green plants. I can't imagine how anyone gets along without basil. I guess that will be the only thing I'll plant this Spring. Angelique is playing with a little baby who looks like he just started walking a few weeks ago. She and Steven are both eager to see little Melissa. ![]() 3 Apr '86 Well I got your letter - 2 letters in one, actually - yesterday. The one with the wrong zip code. I guess they were too lazy to look it up themselves. Rex & Barbara sound like they are doing OK. What is he selling? Is Christian in kindergarten this year or next? Yes, I meant for Diane to have anything I left behind. I'm glad you like the cuckoo clock. Did it get there in one piece? Is it working? I was surprised by the article on John Mullins. It doesn't say how he died. Was he sick or heart problems? I can't think of anything else new. I'll probably think of something tomorrow. Love, Jeannie |