Box 54 Pinetamare
FPO NY 09521-0701
12 January 1986

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Davis,

I have been very pleased with "Whitie," the '79 Fiesta. The car has given me no trouble since I bought it from you on 30 August 1985.

I do, however, have a very serious problem that I hope you will help me with.

The Italian courts did not complete the paperwork regarding my stolen car until December. When I contacted Mr. Steinbaugh I was quite surprised to find that he did not have power-of-attorney on the Fiesta. When I purchased the car I understood that he did have the necessary papers so that I could place the car in my name after the completion of the court proceedings.

I hope you can appreciate my dilemma in this situation. I am returning to the States in just a few months. I cannot get gas coupons until this is settled. Though I have insurance on the car, I have no papers to prove my ownership.

Please let me hear from you as soon as possible. Mr. Steinbaugh suggested that you might send me power-of-attorney since he is out of town so much. I am eager to resolve this as quickly as possible.

Very sincerely,

Michael S. Cole, M.D.

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