Is it painful at the site of the rash?
Are there hives (welts)?
Is the rash getting worse?
Is itching keeping you awake at night?
Is the rash showing no improvement over the past 2 days?
Is it starting to look infected?
Do you have a sore throat or fever?

If this is POISON IVY, then see elsewhere.

If this is DIAPER RASH, then see elsewhere.

If this is ATHLETE'S FOOT, then see elsewhere.

If this is JOCK ITCH, then see elsewhere.

ACTIVITIES:  If you think a particular soap, clothing, jewelry, cosmetic, or chemical is causing the rash, then it should be avoided. Try to avoid scratching to prevent infection. Cut the fingernails very short. Apply cold compresses to areas of itching.

MEDICATIONS:  Over-the-counter Benadryl and topical steroid creams may be used if there is itching. Ask your pharmacist to recommend something.

DIET:  Usually no changes in the diet are needed.  If you think a certain food is causing the rash, then it should be avoided.


1. The rash is worsening or there is no improvement in 3 days.
2. An infection develops.
3. You have trouble breathing.

If there is also a SORE THROAT, then see elsewhere.

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This page was last updated on 23 August 1999.