A baby cries to communicate that s/he needs something. When your baby
cries, you should respond immediately and try to determine what s/he
wants. As you attempt to discover what to do about the crying, you
need to consider one or more of the following as the most likely
possible solutions. Try them in any order.
- Feed it.
A baby's appetite does not pay any attention to the
clock. Some days your baby may be hungry often and other times not
so frequently. Feed the baby whenever you think appropriate. It is
not likely that you will overfeed him or her. Encourage burping after
every 1 or 2 ounces of formula or after every 5 to 10 minutes of
- Let it suck.
There will be times when your baby doesn't want to eat,
but only wants to suck.
- Change it.
If the baby's diaper is wet or dirty, then you should promptly change it.
- Hold it.
If your baby is crying because of wanting to be held,
then he or she will quickly stop crying with holding. Your action
will not spoil the baby. If the baby continues to cry while
being held, then you need to try something else.
- Entertain it.
Sometimes your baby may just be bored and want
stimulation. Play with the baby. Or put him or her in a safe place,
such as an infant seat, where there is lots of activity, such as in
the kitchen while you are preparing a meal.
- Put it down.
Your baby may simply be tired and need to sleep. Try
putting the baby down in a dark and quiet room. If the baby is just
fussy, you can leave it alone. If there is loud crying, you should
pick it up. It is all right to leave a crying infant alone for short
periods to see if he or she will fall asleep on his or her own.
If your baby is still crying after trying one of the above, then try
another approach.
Babies under 4 months old that cry too much and for too long late in
the day may have colic. You might try Tylenol Infants' Drops
or Infants' Mylicon Drops. Many babies with colic do not
respond to any type of treatment, but they all outgrow it in a few months.
1. If you think your infant is ill.
2. If the crying is making you too stressed.
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This page was last updated on 19 August 1999.