- Put God First. Love God more than you love each other. Keep focused on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. View your mate as a gift from God.
- Treat Each Other with Kindness and Respect. Be nice. Never, never, never hit each other. Speak kindly and respectfully of your spouse to others.
- Have Fun with Sex. Your primary purpose for sexual activity should be for giving your spouse pleasure. When it isn't fun, then be creative in finding ways to make it so. Absolutely never turn to anyone else for fulfillment.
- Spend Less Than you Make. There is always a way to live with less money no matter how little you have. No matter how much you have, there will always be the desire to have a little more. Don't borrow what you can't repay.
- Don't Expect too Much. Remember that no one is perfect, especially you and the person you decided at one time that you couldn't live without. Have reasonable expectations of yourself and one another. Remember why you got married and pay more attention to the good in your partner than to the imperfections.
- Tolerate Change. Nothing will stay the same. Since the only person you can change is yourself, don't waste time or effort trying to change your spouse. Keep in mind that you both will slowly grow into someone different than you are now. Discover ways to bring out the best in each other without discouraging efforts to be better.
- Be Content. Happiness does not depend on what someone does for you, but rather on what you do for another. Put the needs of your spouse above your own wants and needs. Give up all other pleasures if necessary in order to keep your marriage covenant.
- Please your Spouse. Pleasing your spouse will always be more important than pleasing your parents, your children, or your friends. Honor your mother- and father-in-law as much as your own parents.
- Set Goals. Work together on solving problems and planning the future. Be a help and comfort to each other as you journey toward eternity, doing everything in your power to help your spouse get to Heaven.
- Be Forgiving. Always assume the best. Don't be too proud to say, "I'm sorry." Don't take everything personally. Forgive even without being asked.
- Spend Lots of Time Together. Good marriages take effort. They don't just happen. Share your joys to increase them. Share your sorrows to lessen them. Continually work on being a better listener. Be patient.
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