Tuesday, 12 June 84 Dear Mom & Dad, There is little new going on here. Steven feels like quite a big boy without diapers. He is doing very well. Angelique's school ended at the end of May. She is presently going to "Summer Fun" at Paddington for 2 wks. It is from 9 to 1. She eats lunch there every day. They mostly just play and do crafts. We are planning on flying to England on 21 June and returning on 2 July. That is, if we get on the cheap military flight. We wanted to take the ferry to Holland, but decided 8 hrs. is too much time sea sick with two kids. If we run out of things to do in London, we will take a train to somewhere else. We considered flying (or taking ferry) to Paris, but decided it was too expensive a way to go. Steven is getting excited about flying on a big plane. We got a videotape recently with Kem & Brenda's baby and scenes of our lot in Searcy. A package came yesterday from Searcy & Jeannie is going to pick one up at the base today from Harrison. I preached this past Sunday morning. We had tapes at our house Sunday night and I cooked hamburgers on the grill for everyone. Did I tell you we had 4 videotaped sermons? We watched the last one Sunday night. Now we will have to go back to cassette tapes. John Sigle and I are still studying weekly with Bret & Nola, our new converts. Now we go to their house instead of them coming to one of ours. They have an apartment not far from here. I thought the miniseries, "The Last Days of Pompeii," was as good as could be expected based a less than good book. The scenes from Pompeii were generally very good. It looked just like I thought it should.
My P.A. at the clinic was on leave all last week & the week before. I was nearly worked to death without him. Well, Jeannie got home with your package. Thank you so much! We so appreciate it. I will not ask for anything in this letter. The book Traits of a Healthy Family is very good. Thanks for getting it for me. I knew no other way to get it than through you. Angelique went crazy over her Care Bear necklace. We all appreciate that. I think we will give Angelique the little Care Bear on the day we leave for England. It is just too long to wait for her birthday. Steven liked his fire truck. Jeannie is dying to open her birthday present. She got one yesterday from her mother, but I wouldn't let her open it. The check for the book is enclosed. I hope the last check I sent was sufficient for the other things you bought, including the sandals. Angelique has learned to tie her shoes. We are all well. I can think of nothing else of any importance to tell you. Look forward to hearing from you. Love, Michael, Jeannie,