More Advice for Americans
Moving to Naples

Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 20:12:49 -0500 
From: Jeannie Cole <>
Subject: Italy

At 02:55 AM 7/12/01 -0400, you wrote:
>My name is Bobbi.  My husband and I may be getting ready to move to Naples
>in a few months.  I know it has been a long time since you were there but
>didn't they have base housing?  What was the base like?  Were there support
>groups, playgroups for the kids or employment opportunities?  I am scared as
>I have never lived outside California and everyone I know and love is here.
>I am, however, excited to get the opportunity to travel abroad and experience
>a new culture and new scenery.  I have always wanted to go to Italy and now,
>I may be getting my chance.  I just want to know what to expect.

Dear Bobbi,

How wonderful for you to get stationed in Italy.  We look back on those
days with very fond memories even tho we had some difficult times adjusting
to that new culture.  We quickly learned to love it.  We have been back
visiting twice since being stationed there.  Many things have changed, but
the people are still sweet and the food, history and shopping are still

From my memory and if things have not changed, the only base housing was
for singles.  There were quite a number of enlisted married apartments
about 20 miles from the base.  The officers with families lived out on the
economy, but tended to rent near each other in several communities.  We
really enjoyed our Italian neighbors and landlord.  He tried to come across
as mean and tough at first, but quickly turned kind toward us and the kids.

I can understand your anxiety, and I cannot take it away.  We asked to be
stationed there and then were shocked when it came through.  But if you
will learn to respect the differences, not expect Italians to act like
Americans, not expect things to be operated and organized like Americans
do, and look on the positive side, I think you will have trouble not liking
Italy.  The food, the music, the history, the people, the shopping, etc.,
are all special.

Have fun,

~~Jeannie <>

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